I will agree with this, that "many will be mislead". In general I believe that MOST people have at least some kind of religion they belong to. I also believe that most of those would say when asked that they themselves have the true path leading to god. Political correctness comes up with the ones who say "Oh it doesn't matter which...." Thinking about this for a moment I would have to say that either everyone is right or everyone is wrong. If everyone is right, including Satanists, then we have a problem on the scale of immovable object meets unstoppable force. I believe that all religions, at least organized ones have it wrong. I see this scripture "Watch out that you are not deceived. For MANY (remember the most above) will come in my name, claiming 'I am he,' and 'The time is near' do not go after them." as meaning this: First I know this was taken out of context and jesus was speaking to a group at the time. But if I told you to go in your house, lock your door, and do not answer it for ANYONE even if the one says it's me, then from that you might have to take it as "Vachi has no intention of returning here to this house". Oh what about, you will know my followers by their works? Negative. Man chooses what they want to see. Rutherford, for example, read the bible and DECIDED or CHOSE TO SEE that god couldn't possibly be this petty, angry, egotistical, cruel, no-better-than-a-man, jackass of a deity and so a little rewording here, a few omitions there and BAM! Antibacterial had soap for god. So leaving it up to man, imperfect man to see........really?
The bottle of water looks at the the thimble of water and laughs.
The bucket of water looks at the bottle of water and laughs.
The bathtub of water looks at the bucket of water and laughs.
The pond of water looks at the bathub of water and laughs.
The lake of water looks at the pond of water and laughs.
The ocean of water looks at the lake of water and laughs.
I look at them all and laugh. The link between all of them? They are all contained. Here people are fighting over which religion is better, which has the truth and so on and so forth. It is a virus that has held man back. This is how many are being misled. You can just be sitting somewhere minding your business and here comes Brother Basham N. Dahedwitit. If atheists are such devils advocates then why isn't it the other way around? I mean, we make up the body in part that walks about like a roaring lion SEEKING......SEEKING to devour someone. How many have nonbelievers have been sought after? You turn on the radio, "Man, Steve Harvey got a radio show y'all" or "Not a sermon, just a thought". You're at home when *Doorbell* someone in your house goes to answer, and you realize what day it is, and you also realize you forgot to tell them that you'd deal with the door by not answering it. Then, like something out of a movie and in slo-mo, you run to the door but the other someone is already at it twisting the knob. "Nooooooooooo" you yell out in your head, like trying to save said other person from a runaway bus. But alas, the door has been opened and you hear "Hello, we're out talking with your friends and neighbors today, and want to ask a question......"The amount of silent expletives that follows....classic. But why does god, a supposed all powerful deity, NEED for someone to be his voice in an organized religion? He undoubtedly would have the power to speak with everyone on an individual level. Religious leaders know this would jeopardize their position in power so they promote groupthink. It's not just in the kingdumb hall either. Groupthink also makes christian church pastors rich because of the tythes and offerings bit. "I don't wanna look a certain way to the congregation so I'll give"
At least with me, I don't talk about religion unless the topic has been brought up to me first. Nothing tied to god should bring up the amount of hatred/separation that it does by all parties. Couple that with the inexcusable acts god took part in and the way it wants to blame Satan for everything, then my choice becomes clear. (-.-),,|,, him.